Mario MG


Software Developer at Emergya and PhD in Chemistry.

Experienced in NodeJS/TypeScript and tools such as Google Cloud Platform and DialogFlow. I also have a solid basis on Java 8 and I am initiated in Kotlin (which I'm starting to like a lot), Ruby and Python. I'm gaining an interest in Clean Code and the SOLID principles.

I'm curious, resourceful and persistent. I learn quickly and enjoy helping others. I love working within a team, but also know how to work in an individual capacity.

I enjoy finding out how things work and making them work. I have a knack for logical thinking and relish putting it to the test (Super-hard logical puzzles? Bring them on!).

Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer

If you want to learn more about me, feel free to contact me at any of the websites listed below or via email. You can also download my résumé in English and in Spanish.

Last updated on 27/07/21